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Crispy Homemade Hash Browns Recipe on the Arteflame Grill: Perfect Every Time

view of crispy, golden homemade hash browns, showcasing their perfect crust and golden color

Homemade Hash Browns on the Arteflame Grill: A Crispy Delight

Indulge in the crispy, golden perfection of homemade hash browns cooked on the Arteflame grill. This guide will show you how to transform simple potatoes into a delectable breakfast classic, optimizing the unique cooking surface of the Arteflame for that perfect crust every time. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a side dish, these hash browns will be a hit with family and friends.


  • 2 large russet potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or melted butter
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Optional: finely chopped onions, shredded cheese, or fresh herbs for added flavor


  • Arteflame Grill
  • Box grater or food processor
  • Clean kitchen towel or cheesecloth
  • Spatula
  • Mixing bowl


  1. Prepare the Potatoes:

    • Wash and peel the potatoes. Grate them using a box grater or a food processor for quicker preparation.
    • Transfer the grated potatoes to a clean kitchen towel or cheesecloth. Wrap and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Removing excess water is crucial for achieving crispy hash browns.
  2. Season:

    • Transfer the dried potatoes to a mixing bowl. Add olive oil or melted butter, salt, and pepper. Mix well to ensure the potatoes are evenly coated. For variety, mix in optional ingredients like onions, cheese, or herbs.
  3. Preheat the Arteflame Grill:

    • Heat your Arteflame grill to a medium-high temperature, ensuring an even cooking surface.
  4. Cook the Hash Browns:

    • Form small patties from the potato mixture and place them on the hot flat top grill. Flatten them slightly with a spatula to increase surface area for a crispier texture.
    • Grill for about 5-7 minutes on each side or until golden brown and crispy. Be patient and resist the urge to flip them too soon to allow a crust to form.
    • NOTE: for extra crispness, you can finish them on the grill grate
  5. Serve Hot:

    • Remove the hash browns from the grill and serve immediately. They're best enjoyed hot and crispy, accompanied by your favorite breakfast foods.

Tips for Perfect Homemade Hash Browns on the Arteflame Grill:

  • Dry the Potatoes Well: The key to crispy hash browns is removing as much moisture as possible from the grated potatoes.
  • High Heat is Essential: Ensure your Arteflame grill is properly preheated to achieve that desirable golden crust.  Use the grill grate for an extra crispy finish.
  • Customize Your Hash Browns: Experiment with adding different ingredients to the potato mix for varied flavors.
  • Patience Pays Off: Allow the hash browns to cook undisturbed for the best results.

Mastering homemade hash browns on the Arteflame grill adds a delicious twist to your breakfast repertoire, turning simple ingredients into a crispy, flavorful delight that's sure to impress.

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