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Grilled Gratin Dauphinois Recipe – Creamy Potatoes Cooked to Perfection

Grilled Gratin Dauphinois on the Arteflame – Golden and Creamy French Potatoes

Grilled Gratin Dauphinois on the Arteflame

Gratin Dauphinois, a classic French dish, features thinly sliced potatoes baked in cream and garlic until tender and golden. By preparing it on the Arteflame grill, the smokiness of the fire adds a delicious layer of flavor while ensuring a perfectly even cook. The grill’s flat cooktop allows for a crispy golden crust on the potatoes, without the need for an oven, giving you a rich, cheesy, and velvety potato dish with a smoky twist.


  • 2 lbs potatoes, thinly sliced (Yukon Gold or Russet work best)
  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tbsp butter (for grilling)
  • 1/2 cup grated Gruyère cheese (or your preferred cheese)
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Pinch of nutmeg (optional)
  • Fresh thyme (for garnish)


1. Prepare the Arteflame Grill

Start by getting your Arteflame grill ready. Soak three paper napkins in vegetable oil and place them at the base of the grill. Stack firewood over the soaked napkins and light them. Let the grill heat up for about 20 minutes until the flat cooktop is ready for cooking.

2. Assemble the Gratin

While the grill is heating up, combine the heavy cream, milk, garlic, salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg (if using) in a bowl. Layer the thinly sliced potatoes evenly on the flat cooktop, brushing each layer with butter. Pour the cream mixture evenly over the potatoes, making sure they are submerged.

3. Start Grilling

Move the potato slices towards the outer edges of the flat cooktop, where the heat is less intense. This allows the potatoes to slowly absorb the creamy mixture and cook evenly. Use a spatula to gently press the potatoes to keep them immersed in the liquid.

4. Add Cheese and Crisp the Potatoes

Once the potatoes are almost tender (about 15 minutes), sprinkle the Gruyère and Parmesan cheese over the top. Move the gratin towards the hotter center of the grill to allow the cheese to melt and form a crispy golden crust. Grill for an additional 5-7 minutes, or until the top is bubbling and golden brown.

5. Serve

Carefully remove the gratin from the grill using a spatula, ensuring the layers stay intact. Garnish with fresh thyme and serve immediately.

Tips for Grilled Gratin Dauphinois

  • Choose starchy potatoes like Yukon Gold or Russet, which absorb the cream better and become tender without falling apart.
  • Butter generously between the layers to prevent sticking and add a rich, creamy flavor.
  • Adjust heat zones by moving the dish to the outer cooler sections to prevent burning, especially when the cheese is melting.


Grilled Gratin Dauphinois on the Arteflame brings a new smoky flavor to this rich, comforting classic. Whether served as a side dish or a main course, the creamy layers of potatoes combined with the grill’s perfectly crispy finish will make this gratin a showstopper at any meal.

Recipe Variations

1. Truffle Gratin Dauphinois

Add a drizzle of truffle oil and a sprinkle of truffle salt over the top before serving for a luxurious twist.

2. Herb-Infused Gratin

Add fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme between the layers for a fragrant herb-infused gratin.

3. Bacon Gratin Dauphinois

Mix in crispy bacon bits between the layers of potatoes for a savory, smoky kick.

4. Cheddar and Chive Gratin

Substitute Gruyère with sharp cheddar and sprinkle fresh chives on top for a tangy and bold variation.

5. Vegan Gratin Dauphinois

Use coconut milk or cashew cream instead of dairy and substitute the cheese with nutritional yeast for a delicious vegan version.

Best Pairings

  • Grilled Steak: The creamy gratin pairs perfectly with a juicy, seared steak.
  • Green Salad: A simple, light green salad balances the richness of the potatoes.
  • Grilled Asparagus: Add some grilled asparagus on the side for a fresh, charred complement to the gratin.
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