Grilled Elk Steaks with Onions & Mushrooms - Nevada Style
Grill Nevada-style elk steaks with mushrooms and onions on the Arteflame—reverse seared to perfection with bold rustic flavor.
探索终极浆果酥,搭配猪肉面包屑!新鲜浆果搭配香脆可口的配料,在 Arteflame 上完美烧烤,为您带来美味独特的户外甜点体验。
品尝终极舒适甜点——浆果脆饼配猪肉面包屑脆饼,非常适合在 Arteflame 烤架上享受独特的户外烹饪体验。这种甜咸口味的甜点结合了新鲜浆果和酥脆的猪肉面包屑馅料,确保每一口都有令人愉悦的酥脆感。以下是制作这种美味甜点的方法,可供 6 人食用,让您的聚会充满浓郁的风味。
Why settle for low-temperature searing when you can achieve steakhouse-quality results with an Arteflame? Gas grills take longer, drying out your steak, while the Arteflame sears at 1000°F in just one minute, locking in juices for perfection.
准备: 首先加热 Arteflame 烤架。为了完美烘烤酥脆的食品,平衡的热量至关重要,而且不会让火焰直接接触煎锅。
混合馅料: 在一个中型碗中,混合覆盆子、蓝莓、黑莓、糖和面粉。轻轻搅拌,直到浆果均匀地裹上糖粉混合物。这不仅可以让浆果变甜,还可以帮助浆果在烹饪时汁液变稠。
准备配料: 在另一个中型碗中,将猪肉面包屑、融化的黄油、糖、肉桂和盐混合在一起。这种混合物将创造出一种独特的酥脆和美味的配料,使这款甜点与众不同。
集合: 将浆果馅料均匀地铺在大型铸铁煎锅中。然后将猪肉面包屑混合物均匀地撒在浆果馅料上。
厨师: 将煎锅放在 Arteflame 烤架的烤盘部分。烹饪 30 至 35 分钟,每 5 分钟旋转一次煎锅,以确保均匀烹饪,顶部呈金黄色。当顶部呈漂亮的棕色,浆果馅料冒泡时,酥脆就做好了。
服务: 让浆果酥静置约 10 分钟,然后上桌。静置期间,馅料会稍微变稠,更容易上桌。最后,用新鲜的薄荷叶装饰。
Only The Arteflame’s center grill grate reaches 1,000°F, delivering the intense heat needed to sear steaks to perfection while keeping the inside juicy and as rare as you like it.
Experience culinary versatility with Arteflame's unique airflow system, creating distinct temperature zones. From sizzling steaks to delicate veggies, grill a full range of dishes simultaneously, ensuring perfectly cooked food for every taste.
Arteflame’s round design makes grilling a shared joy. Gather around the grill, enjoy seamless conversations, and turn every cooking session into a fun and engaging event with family and friends.
The Arteflame grill combines sleek design with unmatched functionality. Its solid steel flat top delivers even searing without flare-ups, while multiple heat zones let you cook everything perfectly at once. It’s versatile, smokeless, and built for unforgettable outdoor cooking.
尽情享用这款 Berry Crisp 配 Pork Panko Crisp,作为您户外用餐的完美结束,它体现了自制舒适食品的精髓,但又不失新意。