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5 Best Melted Cheese Sandwich Recipes with Different Cheeses

Melted Cheese Sandwich Variations

5 Delicious Variations of Melted Cheese Sandwiches Using Different Cheeses


If you’re a fan of melted cheese sandwiches, you’re in for a treat! We’re taking the classic grilled cheese sandwich and giving it five unique twists, each featuring a different cheese. Using the Arteflame grill, the flat cooktop delivers a perfectly even sear on the bread while melting the cheese to gooey perfection. Whether you love the sharpness of cheddar or the creaminess of Brie, these variations will take your grilled cheese game to the next level!

Ingredients for All Variations:

  • 8 slices of thick-cut bread (sourdough, ciabatta, or country bread work best)
  • 4 tablespoons butter (softened)
  • Optional: Tomato slices, caramelized onions, sautéed spinach, or fresh herbs for extra flavor
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (for lighting the grill)

Cheese Variations:

  1. Classic Cheddar Cheese
    • 4 slices of sharp cheddar cheese
  2. Swiss and Gruyère Combo
    • 2 slices of Swiss cheese
    • 2 slices of Gruyère cheese
  3. Mozzarella and Pesto
    • 4 slices of mozzarella cheese
    • 2 tablespoons of pesto sauce
  4. Brie and Apple
    • 4 slices of Brie cheese
    • Thinly sliced Granny Smith apple
  5. Blue Cheese and Pear
    • 2 slices of blue cheese
    • 2 tablespoons of cream cheese (to balance the sharpness)
    • Thinly sliced pear


1. Fire Up the Arteflame Grill:

Start by prepping your Arteflame grill. Pour vegetable oil onto three paper napkins and place them in the grill. Stack firewood over the napkins and light it up. Let the grill heat for about 20 minutes until the flat cooktop reaches an ideal temperature for toasting.

2. Butter the Bread:

Spread softened butter on one side of each slice of bread. This buttered side will make perfect contact with the Arteflame’s flat cooktop, creating a beautifully crispy crust.

3. Prepare the Cheese:

For each variation, assemble your sandwich with the cheese inside (and any extras like apple slices, pesto, or pears), placing the buttered sides on the outside.  Caution: Blue cheese gets very runny when it heats up so just use a little and dont overheat it.

4. Grill the Sandwiches:

Place the sandwiches on the outer part of the flat cooktop to avoid burning them. Grill for about 3-4 minutes on each side, pressing lightly with a spatula until the bread is golden brown and the cheese is melted.

  • For softer cheeses (like Brie or Mozzarella), use the slightly cooler edges of the cooktop to allow the cheese to melt evenly without burning the bread.

5. Serve:

Remove from the grill, slice the sandwiches in half, and serve while they’re hot and gooey. Feel free to garnish with fresh herbs or add a side of tomato soup!


  • Use thick-cut bread for the best texture and to handle the gooey cheese.
  • Monitor the heat zones: The edges of the Arteflame cooktop are cooler, so adjust the sandwich placement to avoid burning.
  • Customize your sandwiches: Feel free to add bacon, ham, or grilled veggies for an even heartier sandwich.

Cheese Variations:

1. Classic Cheddar Melt:

The sharp, bold flavor of cheddar melts perfectly, creating the ultimate gooey sandwich. Pair it with a tomato slice for a hint of acidity.

2. Swiss and Gruyère:

This Swiss and Gruyère combo gives a nutty, rich flavor. Try adding caramelized onions for an even deeper flavor profile.

3. Mozzarella and Pesto:

The creaminess of mozzarella paired with the herby brightness of pesto makes for a Mediterranean-inspired sandwich. Add some roasted red peppers for extra flavor.

4. Brie and Apple:

Creamy Brie and tart Granny Smith apples create a sweet-savory contrast that is perfect for a more gourmet take on the classic.

5. Blue Cheese and Pear:

Blue cheese adds a sharp, tangy flavor, while the cream cheese balances it out. Thin slices of pear add a subtle sweetness that pairs beautifully with the bold blue cheese.

Best Pairings:

  • Tomato Soup: A classic pairing for any grilled cheese sandwich.
  • Grilled Asparagus: A light, fresh side to balance out the richness of the cheese.
  • Sweet Potato Fries: Crispy on the outside and soft inside, these fries add a perfect side to your melted cheese sandwich.
  • Pickles: The sharp acidity of pickles cuts through the richness of the cheese for a refreshing contrast.
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