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Grilled Haricot Verts with Garlic and Lemon

Grilled Haricot Verts with Garlic and Lemon - Perfectly Seared

Grilled Haricot Verts with Garlic and Lemon


Grilled haricot verts are a delicious and healthy side dish that pairs perfectly with any meal. Using the Arteflame grill, this recipe ensures a perfect sear and a delightful smoky flavor. The combination of garlic and lemon elevates the taste, making it a favorite for all occasions. The different heat zones on the Arteflame grill allow for precise cooking, ensuring the beans are tender yet crisp.


  • 1 lb fresh haricot verts, trimmed
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 lemon, zested and juiced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped (optional)


  1. Fire Up the Grill: Preheat your Arteflame grill, ensuring the center grate is at a high temperature for searing.
  2. Prepare the Beans: In a large bowl, toss the haricot verts with melted butter, minced garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  3. Grill the Beans: Place the haricot verts on the flat top cooktop, near the center for a higher heat sear. Spread them out evenly to ensure even cooking.
  4. Cook to Perfection: Grill the beans for about 8-10 minutes, turning occasionally until they are tender and have a slight char.
  5. Serve: Remove the beans from the grill when they are cooked through but still crisp. Garnish with fresh parsley if desired.


  • Butter vs. Olive Oil: Use butter instead of olive oil for a richer flavor.
  • Heat Zones: Utilize the different heat zones on the grill. Start grilling the beans closer to the center and move them to the edges as they cook.
  • Continue Cooking: Remove the haricot verts from the grill when they are slightly undercooked. They will continue to cook as they rest.


Grilled haricot verts are a simple yet flavorful side dish that can be enjoyed with any meal. The combination of garlic and lemon adds a fresh, vibrant taste, while the sear from the Arteflame grill brings out the natural sweetness of the beans.


  1. Spicy Grilled Haricot Verts: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes to the butter mixture for a spicy kick.
  2. Parmesan Haricot Verts: Sprinkle freshly grated Parmesan cheese over the beans just before serving.
  3. Balsamic Glazed Haricot Verts: Drizzle a balsamic reduction over the beans after grilling for a tangy finish.
  4. Herb Haricot Verts: Add a mixture of fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and oregano to the butter mixture.
  5. Asian-Inspired Haricot Verts: Toss the beans in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, and ginger before grilling.

Best Pairings

  • Drink: A crisp white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or a light beer.
  • Appetizer: Grilled shrimp skewers.
  • Dessert: Lemon sorbet.

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