Kentucky Bourbon Maple Glazed Salmon on Arteflame
Smoky, sweet, and savory Kentucky Bourbon Maple Glazed Salmon grilled to perfection on the Arteflame. A must-try seafood dish!
Choripán Mexicano 是墨西哥风味的经典 choripán,以多汁的烤香肠、bolillo 卷、阿根廷香辣酱和焦糖烤洋葱为特色。在 Arteflame 烤架上烹饪可确保香肠获得牛排馆级别的烤焦效果,同时锁住所有美味的汁液。1,000°F 的高温中心烤架提供初始烤焦,而平顶烤架可实现均匀烹饪,确保每一口都充满烟熏的美味。让我们点燃 Arteflame 开始吧!
Why settle for low-temperature searing when you can achieve steakhouse-quality results with an Arteflame? Gas grills take longer, drying out your steak, while the Arteflame sears at 1000°F in just one minute, locking in juices for perfection.
Arteflame 烤架上的 Choripán Mexicano 是一道必尝的菜肴,可在家中制作出餐厅品质的香肠三明治。得益于 1,000°F 的中心烤架和平面灶台的均匀热量分布,每一口都烤得恰到好处。点燃您的烤架,享受这道大胆而美味的经典菜肴吧!