Arteflame は、誰もがグリル料理を楽しめるよう、その心地よいデザインで誘います。オープンなレイアウトで、誰もが参加でき、ジュージューという音、炎、香ばしい香りを楽しめます。コミュニティの雰囲気を醸成し、グリル料理を共通の楽しみにします。
Arteflame はどれもユニークな傑作で、どんな裏庭でも目玉となるよう巧みに作られています。使用中であろうとなかろうと、Arteflame は唯一無二のセンターピースとして存在感を放ち、その個性で全体の美観を高め、屋外での集まりや余暇のひとときのハイライトとなります。
Big Green Egg
The Big Green Egg may be functional for cooking, but it falls short when it comes to entertaining. Lacking in visual appeal, it's often hidden away rather than featured prominently, unlike more aesthetically pleasing options. Its closed design also obscures the grilling process, which can isolate the cook from the rest of the group, turning what could be a social activity into a solitary chore. Furthermore, its utilitarian look does little to enhance the ambiance of outdoor gatherings, making it less ideal as a centerpiece in any backyard social setting.
Arteflame grills outshine Big Green Egg with an innovative airflow system, directing air straight to the combustion chamber, heating it intensely and minimizing smoke. Searing steaks at over 1,000°F becomes effortless, providing a steakhouse-grade grilling adventure from the comfort of home.
Experience steakhouse-quality steaks in your backyard with Arteflame, reaching 1,000F+ for perfect searing. Why the extreme heat? It locks in juices, essential for rare/medium rare steaks without overcooking. Only 1,000F+ delivers that ideal sear while preserving the interior's tenderness.
Big Green Egg
The Big Green Egg's design, featuring a single cooking chamber, forces all food to cook at the same temperature, which is far from ideal when preparing a variety of dishes. For instance, searing meat effectively maximized the Green Egg's temperatures around 750°F, a setting that would mercilessly char most vegetables. This limitation often necessitates the use of a stovetop or oven for items that can't withstand high heat, complicating the cooking process, especially during large gatherings where menu diversity is crucial. Such constraints make the Big Green Egg a less favorable option for hosts who aim to offer a rich array of dishes.
グリル グレートの 1,000°F を超える優れた耐熱性は、ほんの始まりに過ぎません。グリル付近の 450°F から端の 250°F まで、調理台全体の温度が均一なので、あらゆるグリル料理のニーズに応えます。頑丈な設計により、炎が上がったり食材が焦げたりすることがなく、いつでも完璧な焼き上がりを保証します。
Arteflame 独自のフードセーバーは、Big Green Egg グリルには搭載されておらず、コンロの中央に固定して、グリル グレート ライザーの使用中に食べ物がこぼれるのを防ぎます。暖かさを保ち、木のエッセンスを豊かにし、Arteflame の革新性と使いやすさの優位性を強化します。
Big Green Egg
The Big Green Egg features a design with significant limitations, particularly its raised grill grate that sits above the flame due to airflow constraints. This setup starkly contrasts with the Arteflame's direct heat design, where the grate is closer to the fire, crucial for achieving that perfect sear meat lovers crave. Such proximity to intense heat is simply not possible with the Big Green Egg's configuration. Moreover, the Green Egg's design doesn't allow for cooking an entire meal simultaneously, which can be a major drawback when trying to manage multiple dishes at once. This limits the grill's practicality and efficiency, especially when catering to larger groups or preparing complex meals.
ARTEFLAME XXL 40 インチ グリル
Crafted from a solitary piece of Corten steel, the Arteflame fire bowl boasts a seamless, weld-free design, shaped through spinning for an exclusive organic form. Its removable fire base ensures effortless cleaning, while an inner ring adds durability and facilitates safe handling, even when hot.
Arteflame offers 30” grills in two designs. Both boast a robust solid steel cooktop with central grill grates, ensuring interchangeability of accessories. Standing at 30” tall, they require no additional stands or tables, simplifying your outdoor cooking experience.
Big Green Egg
Crafted from ceramic, the Big Green Egg is renowned for its durability, yet it lacks in size, especially when it comes to hosting larger gatherings. Its 2XL model, measuring 29 inches, offers only 660 square inches of cooking space. This is slightly less than what you get with Arteflame’s 30-inch model at 710 square inches, and nearly half of the grilling space provided by the expansive Arteflame 40-inch model, which boasts 1,257 square inches. For those who often entertain or cook for larger crowds, the relatively modest size of the Big Green Egg may prove to be a limitation.
Arteflame のロティサリーは、Big Green Egg グリルを凌駕し、アクセサリー リングに簡単に取り付けられます。ワイヤレス モーターは 25 ポンドまで対応し、肉や魚に最適です。Arteflame の適応性を高め、料理の可能性を広げ、屋外での調理の冒険を豊かにします。
ピザオーブンは調理台とシームレスに統合されており、ピザの出し入れが簡単です。前面が開いているデザインで、ピザの焼き上がりをはっきりと監視でき、毎回完璧な仕上がりを保証します。1,000°F (559°C) を超える温度で、ピザ屋の味を再現し、完璧なクラストを提供します。
Arteflame グリルは、その多彩な調理ゾーンで Big Green Egg を凌駕し、複数の料理をグリルするのに最適です。温度ゾーンが 1 つしかないため一度に 1 品ずつ調理するように最適化されている Big Green Egg とは異なり、Arteflame は中央の格子が高温に達して焼き色をつけるのに最適なユニークなデザインを特徴としています。さらに、周囲の調理台は複数の温度を同時にサポートします。この機能により、より柔軟で効率的なグリルが可能になり、一度に複数の料理を完璧に調理できます。