The 9 Best Firewoods For Your Grill In 2024

Selecting the best firewood for grilling is crucial as it greatly influences the flavor and quality of the cooked food. Different woods impart unique tastes, and using the wrong type can ruin a dish's flavor. Moreover, certain woods burn hotter and longer, ensuring consistent cooking temperatures. Choosing the right wood ensures a safe, efficient, and flavorful grilling experience.



木こりは、グリルに最適な木材を準備する上で重要な役割を果たします。彼らは、風味を最大限に引き出すために余分な水分と樹脂を取り除くことの重要性を理解しています。最大 2 年かかることもある乾燥プロセスは、木材が効率的に燃え、食品にほのかなスモーキーな風味を与えるために不可欠です。この方法では、木材の欠陥を防ぐために乾燥条件の微妙なバランスが求められます。



  1. りんご甘くてややフルーティー
  2. アルダー甘くて繊細
  3. チェリーマイルドでフルーティー
  4. ヒッコリー甘くて濃厚でベーコンのような味
  5. メープル / サトウカエデ甘くて軽くてとてもマイルド
  6. メスキート非常に独特で、強い土っぽい風味がある
  7. オーク中程度の強さのクラシックな煙
  8. ピーカン甘くて濃厚でナッツのような味わい
  9. クルミ強くて強烈、苦味の可能性あり
Why Lumber Is Not Safe for Smoking or Grilling



Moisture Meter for Seasoned Wood

The importance of seasoned firewood

Seasoning firewood properly enhances grilling. Splitting wood evenly ensures faster drying and uniform burning, while storing it off the ground prevents mold. Choosing between split and whole logs is crucial; split logs light easily but burn quickly, whereas whole logs offer a longer burn.

Ideal firewood for grilling has a moisture content below 40%, with many professionals preferring around 20% for consistent heat. Assessing this moisture, either through a supplier or with a moisture meter, is vital for preparing firewood that optimizes grilling results.

40" grill

Grill and storage combined

Arteflame is transforming outdoor cooking with its advanced airflow design. This system blends charcoal and wood combustion, creating a unique grilling experience. The technology heats the grill grate above 1,000°F, perfect for searing steaks while maintaining internal rareness.

The Arteflame XXL 40" Grill with Storage elevates the grilling experience with its built-in wood log storage, a must-have for outdoor cooking enthusiasts. Its convenient design ensures a continuous supply of wood, enhancing flavor and maintaining ideal cooking temperatures.

Discover the best woods for grilling

Uncover the ideal firewood types for open fire grilling in this thorough guide. Delve into a curated selection of the best woods, each enhancing your grilling experience with unique flavors and burning qualities. This comprehensive list offers insights and tips to elevate your outdoor cooking, making every grilling session an exceptional culinary adventure.

Experiment with these firewood options to enhance your open fire grilling experience. Each wood type brings its unique characteristics, allowing you to tailor the flavor profile based on your culinary preferences.

Kiln dried Apple wood for grilling


  • Flavor Profile: Sweet and somewhat fruity.
  • Ideal for: Beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and certain seafood.
  • Applewood is milder and sweeter than many other types on this list. It pairs best with lighter-tasting meats but also try Applewood grilled burgers! They are amazing!
Kiln dried Alder wood for grilling


  • フレーバープロファイル: 甘く、繊細で、普遍的な魅力があります。
  • 最適な用途: シーフードと野菜が入った、多目的な選択肢です。
  • アルダーはメスキートやヒッコリーよりもはるかに柔らかい木材です。 食べ物にほんのりスモーキーな香りを与えます。  料理の味を左右するのではなく、料理を引き立てます。
Kiln dried Cherry wood for grilling


  • フレーバープロファイル: マイルドでフルーティー。
  • 最適な用途: あらゆる肉料理とよく合い、ユニークな薪焼き体験を提供します。
  • チェリーは、マイルドでフルーティーな甘い風味があり、どんな肉にもよく合います。 チェリーは、鶏肉、豚肉、ハムやソーセージなどの塩漬け肉、さらにはアヒルやガチョウなどの野生の肉ともよく合います。チェリーは他の木材よりも味が強すぎないため、魚を焼くときにも最適です。
Kiln dried Hickory wood for grilling


  • Flavor Profile: Sweet, strong, and bacon-like.
  • Ideal for: A go-to choice for many grillers, especially for pork or chicken.
  • Hickory and Oak are probably the #1 and #2 types of wood for grilling and smoking depending of where you live in the US.
  • The taste of hickory smoke reminds of the taste of molasses — sweet, rich, and a bit nutty in flavor.
maple wood for grilling

Maple / Sugar Maple

  • Flavor Profile: Sweet, light, and very mild.
  • Ideal for: Poultry, adding a sweet, smoky, savory flavor.
  • Maple delivers a mild, sweet smokiness to veggies and is great for grilling poultry and fish. It's light sweet smoke doesn't overpower the food and Maple burns for a lengthy amount of time.
Kiln dried Mesquite wood for grilling


  • Mesquite is one of, if not the, strongest smoking wood available.
  • Flavor Profile: Very distinct, with a strong earthy flavor.
  • Ideal for: Dark meats like brisket, wild game meat, duck, lamb, or Brazilian-style Barbacoa.
  • The smoke flavor is like hickory but a more intense. Use mesquite for grilling rich tasting cuts of beef, venison, or game. Mesquite will overpower more delicate tasting foods.
Kiln dried Oak wood for grilling


  • Flavor Profile: Medium-strong, classic smoke.
  • Ideal for: Compatible with almost every type of meat, dense, and produces long-lasting fires.
  • As one of the most popular choices and an easily accessible pick, hickory wood features a profile similar to oak, and pairs well with pork and beef.
Kiln dried Pecan wood for grilling


  • Flavor Profile: Sweet, rich, and nutty (similar to hickory).
  • Ideal for: Poultry and meats like ribs, offering a trusted and less overpowering taste.
  • Pecan is popular when grilling meat. Pecan's smoke gives a nutty taste that pairs well with many different foods. Pecan adds a rich taste without dominating all other flavors.
Kiln dried Walnut wood for grilling


  • フレーバープロファイル: 強くて強烈、苦味の可能性あり。
  • 最適な用途: 野生のジビエは、力強い肉を引き立てる濃厚な風味を提供します。